Monday, December 6, 2010

INTRO - OBLIVION with FCOM install (experienced users friendly)

The info on FCOM is scattered in many places, sites, threads, guides, posts etc and I grew tired of it. Moreover I grew tired of the low level of many of those guides/posts etc explaining things an experienced mod user knows too well and leaving out the particular details the aforementioned user was hoping to find in the guide. Finally the most difficult parts are mostly left to TheNiceOne's OMOD installers - with the exception of Tomlong's guide which, however, grows out of date and is very newbie friendly.
As I am installing TESIV from the ground up I chose to share some info in the process. I am BAIN installing - so WB know how is assumed (you do know how to enable installers, don't you ?).

I drew heavily on Tomlong's site (and the old one which got me going on BAIN) and on Blade of Mercy's thread. I also posted questions to and read answers from the five big mods threads :
And of course : dev_akm's FCOM site (out of date partially - always compare with FCOM thread - but still the most detailed/authoritative).

The approach I am taking is : install all packages via BAIN, then run BOSS from within WB so all mods are properly ordered (load ordered) and tagged (bash tagged). So I won't say a single word on Bash Tags and Load order.

Tool Links (from BoM's guide) :
  • Wrye Python 04a + Wrye Bash (install 4a for ANSI and 4 for Unicode)
  • OBMM
  • OBSE
  • BOSS
  • TES4GECKO (TeamGecko, merge, split etc esp and esm files and more)
  • TES4LODgen
  • Oblivion And Physical memory Usage Thread with info on 4GB Patch (allows Oblivion to recognize and use RAM up to 4GB) - Here is Arthmoor's advice about using OSR along the 4 GB Patch: You may need to install Oblivion Stutter Remover, set the heap mode to 5, and the heap size to 1024. Once I did this, the game became much more stable and I was finally able to confirm that the LAA patch does work. The more high intensity graphics replacers you use, the quicker things are going to fall apart, so you need the larger heap size in order to deal with it.
  • RPG-Black Dragon AT 2.0 Shader improves FPS and keeps all the HDR goodness (haven't tried this nor the 4 GB patch to be honest)
Last edited : 2011.07.02 17.01 UTC

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