Saturday, August 7, 2010

Hate windows 7 alt+up for parent folder ?

Rightly so as the backspace is one key and moreover a big one - and it is so much more convenient. Well autohotkey to the rescue again.

Backspace for parent folder (as in XP) ahk script :
#SingleInstance, Force
SetTitleMatchMode, 2

GroupAdd, RenameWindows, ahk_class CabinetWClass
GroupAdd, RenameWindows, ahk_class ExploreWClass
GroupAdd, RenameWindows, ahk_class Progman
GroupAdd, RenameWindows, ahk_class #32770
GroupAdd, RenameWindows, ahk_class WorkerW

#IfWinActive, Ahk_group RenameWindows
ControlGetFocus focussed, A
if focussed not contains Edit,DirectUIHWND1
Send !{Up}
Send {Backspace}