Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Skyrim - First impressions or why I still read Tolkien

I'll be a bit harsh but don't get me wrong - I like the game. I never liked the literary part of it (since oblivion that is - I did not play the earlier ones, but I hear daggerfall was a UK thing). The story/dialogue etc. I am spoiled by Tolkien I guess - where there is an economy in the plot, justification for actions, characters have depth and so on. Very spoiled. So let's see a couple of points.

Part 1 : Let's get this over with

Ok - so we start off in a chart with prisoners political and otherwise. Reminds me of something. The dialogue could use some naturalness - especially the horse thief is ridiculous.

"I would have stolen that horse and be in Hammerfel" should be :
"I'd be in Hammerfel with my new horse", obviously. Or :

"You are the leader of the rebellion !" should be :
"The leader of the rebellion !". And so on

Dear writer - it isn't so hard.

I 'd expected so much anyway - the only book in oblivion that was really readable was "Immortal blood" - by Anonymous.

Where things get rather stupid is the execution scene - OK I must see the dragon lying with my head ready to be chopped - it's the right angle. MAKE IT PLAUSIBLE. I am not in the list - why not ? Why is the thief (I know he may not be - but the real question is why this list anyway when there is the slightest possibility to drop from it - in transit) ? Since I am not (on the list) I shouldn't be executed - or if I should be, the "captain" should prove to all the world how bad she is and look me in the eye and say : "Better safe than sorry". Do yourself a favor dear writer - dispose of the list. Dispose of the plot. Dispose of writing.

Part 2 : To kill a dragon.

So we get over the shock of the completely implausible start and we go on with the tutorial (may I call it the tutorial ?) - we get out of the sewers err the dungeon wondering when the heck will we get a chance to rethink of our race, face, name etc - and off to Skyrim.

Great view. Harvest flora not needed anymore. I am a flame thrower. Harvest containers still needed (yes with the occasional glitch - "empty" is a good addition to be sure). No more major skills - what a relief! I hope simplify is not the rule though. I still want to change my face - and where was the age slider ? Glad there are no torches everywhere. Bandits talk - not about news from the other provinces I mean. Altogether lighter. Dragons. Mighty Dragons. Breathing fire. So let's follow the main quest. And suddenly second shock.

We go kill a dragon with 4 guards, a dark elf and a noob - I was level 2 or 3 at the time - and we succeed ! WTF !?! Why ? To learn I am the dragonbaby of course but why ? Is it too difficult to understand this "takes all the juice out of it" ? No - this is an error. It throws UnhandledLoreException all the way to my desktop. Sorry.

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